The Human Side of Innovation
During this morning's Idea Champions team meeting, I had a Homer Simpson moment. You know, one of those classic head slapping, no brainer, high-five, DOH! moments.
And because the aforementioned moment may very well impact YOU, oh savvy reader of this blog, I am going to share it with you now.
Ready? Here it is:
The book on innovation I starting writing last year is already written. Well, at least 50% of it is -- not by some slick consultant who got the jump on me, but by me.
The book, like some kind of buried treasure in my own back yard, is hidden in the more than 450 postings on this blog -- impassioned rants, essays, and wake up calls that address the human side of the innovation equation.
As I've said a thousand time before, organizations don't innovate -- people innovate. Inspired people. Fascinated people. Committed people. People on fire with possibility, mojo, and an almost cellular need to make a difference.
That's what this blog is about. That's what my life is about. That's what your life is about. And that's what my next book is about.
So, I'm rearranging my schedule, redistributing my workload, giving up ESPN highlights, and asking readers of this blog to tell me WHAT they want to see in the book.
What would make it compelling? What would differentiate it from the competition? What would move you to buy it for a friend, your boss, or a client?
HINT: A big chunk of my message is going to be delivered as story -- real-world moments of truth I've encountered "out there" in the corporate workplace. Moments when the veil lifted... a Red Sea parted... and I saw deeply into the heart of innovation.
Like how my company got a huge contract from AT&T by teaching the Director of Training at AT&T how to juggle in 5 minutes.
Like using the martial arts to create a breakthrough at GE.
Like guerilla marketing at Pricewaterhouse, dressed like Santa Claus
If you are a fan of this blog and want to throw your hat or your head in the ring to spread the word, shoot me an email ( I'm going create a "MasterMind" group ("MasterHeart"?) to explore cool ways of getting the word out to the rest of the known universe.
If you are an agent or publisher who resonates with all of this, let me hear from you. The door is open.
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