The Value of Nothing
When children are born prematurely, they're placed in incubators. When fields stop producing, farmers let them lay fallow. When baseball players are in a prolonged slump, they're given a day off.
It's the same with innovators -- or should be.
They, too, need to incubate. They, too, need to lay fallow. They, too, need time off. You already know this. That's why you often choose to "sleep on it" before making a big decision.
Pausing isn't procrastinating. It's an act of renewal -- a chance to relax and let your subconscious shine -- a phenomenon that's all-too-rare these days -- especially in organizations where everyone is overworked, overwhelmed, and over-caffeinated.
Face it. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.
1. The next time you are working hard, but getting no results -- notice it.
2. Take a break.
3. If you feel the urge to produce, let the urge pass.
4. During this down time, simply notice the ideas and insights that come to you.
5. DO NOT attend my webinar on this subject. (I don't have one).
Listen to your subconscious
Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel.
I often do nothing to help get my mind rolling. If I try to hard I stay stuck!
Posted by: Josh at January 10, 2011 10:40 PM
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