How Storytelling Shapes Culture and Humanizes the Workplace
More goes on in the modern-day workplace than meets the eye. Indeed, it's often the stuff that meets the ear that makes all the difference. Click here to listen to Mitch Ditkoff's 60-minute VoiceAmerica interview on the power of personal storytelling in the workplace.
THE BOOK: Storytelling at Work
THE KEYNOTE: Storytelling at Work
THE BLOG: Storytelling at Work
Hi Mike,
Just finished reading your Storytelling book and found it fantastic. Personal storytelling like you talk about in your interview is an amazingly powerful tool. Great work!
Evan Shellshear
Posted by: Evan Shellshear at January 13, 2016 05:39 AM
Evan: Glad you liked my book. Thanks for your kind words. Please help me spread the word. I've written extensively about the power of storytelling -- especially in the workplace. If you'd like me to forward any of those links to you, simply send me your email address:
Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to write an Amazon review, letting people know why you liked the book. Peace!
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at January 14, 2016 07:28 PM
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