STORYTELLING AT WORK goes to college (and never took an SAT)!
Good news! My award-winning book, Storytelling at Work, is going to be used, in the Spring, as a textbook for a very innovative Business Communications course at The Sage Colleges in upstate New York.
The idea for this was the brainstorm of Dr. Haidy Brown, who was looking for a different way to introduce her students to the power of personal storytelling. I think Dr. Brown is a genius! The two of us will be meeting, in December, to explore various ways she can use my book as a catalyst for breakthrough in the lives of college students.
If YOU are affiliated with a college and want to explore the possibilities with us, contact me: I have a dream -- that Storytelling at Work will be the "go to" textbook for business communication courses all over the world within the next two years.
My story-centric podcasts, interviews, and articles
My storytelling blog
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