The Most Important Ingredient to Ensure an Organization's Success
In a recent survey of 246 CEOs from around the world, "having the right culture to foster and support innovation" was rated the most important ingredient to ensure a organization's success. In other words, if innovation is the big fish companies are trying to hook, culture is the ocean in which those fish are swimming.
Changing a company's culture, however, is not an easy thing to do. When you think about how difficult it is for just one person to lose five pounds or stop smoking, imagine the challenge of getting thousands of people to go beyond their old habits and outdated mental models. That being said, it IS possible.
The key to success? Beginning. And the key to beginning? Giving people a simple roadmap of what they can do, within their sphere of influence, to make a difference
This is what Mitch Ditkoff's Jump Starting a Culture of Innovation keynote is all about. Each person in the audience exits the keynote not only with fresh insights, inspiration, and ideas about what they can do to move the needle, they craft a personalized game plan for how to actually make it happen.
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50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation
The Four Currents of a Culture of Innovation
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