PAY WHAT YOU CAN: An Innovative Pricing Model
EXISTENTIAL QUESTION #1: How much is anything worth?
EXISTENTIAL ANSWER #1: What people are willing to pay for it.
Which is precisely why Idea Champions has recently launched it's Pay What You Can pricing model for our Micro-Learning for Innovators service -- a year long, online curriculum of innovation-sparking videos, articles, tools, and techniques. It's our, out-of-the-box experiment. And so far, it's working.
The model is super simple. If your company wants to raise the bar for innovation, but is budget-constrained, YOU decide on the value of our Micro-Learning service and pay that amount. While I reserve the right to say NO to your offer, 98% of the time I will say YES.
Intrigued? Want more info? Contact with the words "Micro-Learning for Innovators" in the subject line.
NOTE: For now, we are only offering this service to organizations. In time, we will offer this service to individuals. Stay tuned.
A Micro-Learning testimonial from a happy client
Other testimonials
Pay what you want restaurants
Panera Cares (their "pay what you can" experiment failed)
TED TALK: Panera Cares (pay what you can experiment)
The creator of Micro-Learning for Innovators
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