The Two-Hour Online Brainstorm Facilitation Training
Let's start with a few assumptions: 1) You are a "change agent," facilitator, or team leader; 2) Your organization's brainstorm sessions are lame: 3) You want to upgrade your brainstorm facilitation skills; 4) Your budget is tight; 5) You cringe at the thought of taking 1-3 days off to attend a training.
If this describes you, keep reading.
Idea Champions, a recognized world leader in the field of brainstorm facilitation training, is now offering a two-hour online training -- a distillation of the very best of what we've learned, since 1987, leading creative thinking sessions for these organizations.
What can happen in 120 minutes? Enough for you get to the next level of brainstorm facilitation mastery, especially since the design for your minute training will be customized, based on your current skill set, experience, and learning needs.
Client testimonials
What PR and Marketing Firms Say About Our Training
1. Our 142-page workbook
2. An online subscription to Free the Genie
3. A deck of our Free the Genie Cards
4. Micro-Learning for Innovators
5. One hour of post-training coaching
Your next step? A 20-minute phone call with the Founder and President of Idea Champions, Mitch Ditkoff, in order for you to determine if our two-hour, online training is a good fit for you.
What to send decision-makers who doubt the value of brainstorming
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