THE YEAR of LIVING CREATIVELY: Unleash Your Creative Mojo
While it may be true that most "ideas are a dime a dozen," some ideas are actually priceless -- and that includes at least one of yours. You know... that idea for the new venture you want to launch... or the book you want to write... or the change you want to make -- that deeply felt possibility bubbling up from the core of your being.
And yet, at the same time, there also seems to be some forces, both internal and external, working against you that have had their way with you -- those metaphorical Big Bad Wolves on your way to Grandma's House.
But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't. You have the power, discernment, courage, and mojo to gracefully work your magic in the world. And that is, precisely, what The Year of Living Creatively is all about -- an engaging, provocative, online GPS to help you navigate your way through the often challenging creative process.
HOW IT WORKS: Once a week, you will receive an email with a link to a "fill-in-the-blanks" self-inquiry exercise designed to increase your odds of succeeding -- a simple, "chiropractic adjustment" of your own, innate creativity. Twenty minutes, per week, is all it will take. Or less. That and the willingness to pause, reflect, and respond.
Subscribers will also be invited to participate in a series of 12 monthly Zoom sessions, facilitated by the founder of The Year of Living Creatively -- an inspiring way to be part of an ever-growing community of creative thinkers and doers. Additionally, you will have the option of pairing up with one or two other subscribers for ongoing support, brainpower, encouragement, and accountability.
- Increase your odds of success
- Maintain positive momentum
- Clarify your vision
- Go deeper into your creative process
- Originate breakthrough ideas
- Stay energized and inspired
- Go beyond your limiting assumptions
- Take more risks
- Increase the odds of attracting alchemical collaborators
Subscriptions to The Year of Living Creatively will be available in 2-3 months (fee still-to-be-determined). If you want to be alerted when this service launches, send an email to with the words "The Year of Living Creatively" in the subject line.
"If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?"
Sounds good, Mitch! Looking forward to it!
Posted by: Mrs. Cat at January 12, 2021 06:01 PM
Tres interessee!
Posted by: Evelyne Pouget at January 25, 2021 03:43 PM
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