TWENTY IS PLENTY: Breakthrough Thinking for the Time-Crunched
THIS JUST IN! You don't have the time to read this. We know it. You know it. And all the marketing bots know it. Which is why I'm going to cut to the chase.
Your lack of time is really not a problem. For us, at Brainstorm Champions, it's simply the current reality. When in Rome...
Hey, if Twitter can become the preferred communication platform for 330 million people, we can figure out how to deliver our breakthrough thinking services in bite-sized pieces.
Which is precisely what we've done.
And while the "full monte" version of our Free the Genie service is a whopping 60-minutes long, we are now offering a 20-minute version -- TWENTY IS PLENTY: Breakthrough Thinking for the Time-Crunched.
That's it. You in? If so, here are your next steps:
1. Click this link and fill in the blanks
2. Select a day and time from our Calendly calendar
3. Pay $45 in advance, via PayPal.
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