A BRAND NEW DAY: Be Your Best Podcast with Gil Hanson
Recently, I had the great good fortune of being a guest on Gil Hanson's Be Your Best podcast. Gil, who is a world-class personal branding expert and masterful graphic designer, is extremely knowledgeable in the art of bringing out the best in people -- not just his clients, but his podcast guests, as well. Gil asked me a series of great questions on innovation, creativity, and storytelling that sparked quite an animated conversation.
If you're curious about the roots of Idea Champions, what it takes to create something out of nothing, and how my fledgling start-up scored a huge contract from AT&T by teaching their Director of Learning and Development how to juggle in just five minutes, you've come to the right place. Click here to listen. Episode #22.
Gil's Design Personal Brand website
The Year of Living Creatively
Free the Genie: Online Creative Thinking
Idea Champions
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