The Challenge Creative People Face
Here is one of the biggest challenges creative people face: finding the right balance between spontaneity and planning.
Spontaneity, while a huge part of the creative process, can also be a huge curse. The intoxicating nature of spontaneity -- and the likelihood that it will lead to more projects -- has a tendency to sidetrack. It's sparkly. It's fascinating. And it's fun. But it can also be a massive distraction.
The result? Many creative people have more projects "on the table" than they can execute. And while this often makes for good cocktail party conversation, it also makes for overwhelm, stress, and eventual self-loathing. Months go by (sometimes years) and the big, hairy, audacious goal remains just that -- a goal -- not a completion. The antidote? A renewed vision of what success looks like. Focus. Priorities. A game plan. A support team. And the day-by-day effort required to work the plan.
Bring your current, most fascinating project to mind. Now imagine that your efforts are totally successful. What does success look like? And how did you get there?
50 Awesome Quotes on Vision
Idea Champions
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