The Heart of the Matter
September 05, 2010
Maharaji in Woodstock, Part 7

Ev and Mitch.JPG

This is the seventh in a series of comments from friends of mine who attended Maharaji's Woodstock event on August 25th. Most of my friends had never seen him before. The following comments are from Evelyne Pouget, not just a friend of mine -- but my fabulous wife since 1991. (Be sure to click on the headline, to make sure you are reading the entire article. MD)

"In 1979, I met my Master, Baba Muktananda, and have been on the spiritual path ever since. Years later, I married a man who happened to have a different Master, Maharaji.

Maharaji has been very present in our household. I have enjoyed his talks whenever I've had the opportunity to hear him, in person, and he has always been an inspiration to me. But he was Mitch's teacher and I had my own."

"This dynamic was reinforced by Maharaji, himself, some years ago, when I asked him if I could receive Knowledge. He encouraged me to stay with my path. So, I gave up the idea of receiving Knowledge.

For the last few years, my husband and other students of Maharaji who live in the Woodstock area have been in a state of effervescence, making plans for his visit.

As the date of Maharaji's visit to our town neared, it became clear that some out-of-town guests would need a place to stay, so we invited Charananand -- one of Maharaji's long-time students -- to stay in our guest house.

Charanand and kids.JPG

On August 25th, the day of Maharaji's event, everyone was busy except for Charananand (the story teller supreme!) and me. So, I got to spend some time with him.

I had a marvelous and revealing three hour talk with him, reduced to a puddle of tears for most of it, as he opened my mind, again, to the possibility of viewing the Keys and receiving Knowledge.

He explained how the process has been refined and was more inclusive than in the past.

He helped me let go of the misunderstanding that Knowledge was a gift only for my husband and others, but not me.

The more I listened, the more I realized that receiving Knowledge was not going to make me a "traitor" to my own path.

I felt the possibility.

Gratitude for my connection to Charananand, his all-inspiring devotion, and the space that was now opening in my heart overwhelmed me.

As I drove to get my tickets to see Maharaji, I prayed to my Guru for a sign.

A few minutes later, a baby deer crossed the road in front of me and I stopped. It felt like an instant response to my request.

"Look right in front of you! Take in the moment! Receive the gift!"

In that frame of mind, I continued on to the program, found my seat, closed my eyes, and nurtured the space in my heart.

When Maharaji came out on stage, I felt wide open. His message went right through me. It was so simple! So generous! So inclusive! His presentation, so seamless.


I wasn't listening to my husband's Master any longer. I was listening to Maharaji for the first time.

Whenever I saw him looking in my direction, it felt like he was speaking directly to me. Sorry everyone else! He was!

It is now one week later and I've just started studying the Keys with three of my friends, who like me, have decided to receive this gift.

Please, Maharaji, come back soon, I have so many more friends!"


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at September 5, 2010 12:32 PM


Dear Evelyne,

I am so happy for you, this story went straight into my heart. I have become to like Mitch very much, his intelligence, his sense of humor, his great writing skills, his original creative way of thinking and his kindness, to advice me. Also Charanand was very important for me personally in preparing to receive the gift, he was the most convincing and so patient and kind with me. Yes I have been crying a lot too, in this process of opening up, but those were the sweetest tears of happiness, I have ever known. Also I am very happy for Mitch and the both of you, because I know that this connection will bring you even closer and will make you even more happy. How special and beautiful, that Maharaji said to wait and stay on your own path. When the heart is ready, when the ground is fertile, then the seed of knowledge will not only grow, but with the help of Charanand, Maharaji and Mitch, imagine such great and powerful friends and so much protection and inspiration, towards that tiny little seed. My son, now 18 is doing the Keys too (he is in Key 4 now) and I see him growing stronger and more happy every day. So beautiful, Eveline and Mich, can I say congratulations, to the both of you?

A very good friend, from tulip country and please visit me, when you come to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam or any other excuse to visit our beautiful country,

Welcome to paradise, Eveline and Mitch, there is enough room for everybody, with a heart full of love, there...

Jos van Laar.

Posted by: Jjvmvanlaar1 [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 4, 2010 08:11 PM

I hope we can basically leave Evelyn and others mentioned in these posts about Woodstock alone in their discoveries, whether they involve Prem Rawat or not. He was talking once about the relationship between people with Knowledge and those who may be interested and he likened it to coming around a bend and finding two lovers on a beach. He basically reminded us that in that situation, we would not think of disturbing them. I love that reminder. "Do Not Disturb"

Posted by: Deece48 [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 5, 2010 11:42 AM

Evelyn. i was initiated into Prem's Raja Yoga techniques in the fall of 1971 and have been practicing since. in the last few years, i have been reading alot, PLAY OF CONCIOUSNESS, AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI, THE GOSPEL OF RAMAKRISHNA among my favorites. i see absolutely no conflict with any of these books and 'Knowledge' with the exception of the question of celibacy, which i consider a very personal decision, not to be influenced by anyone. in 39 years of listening to Prem, i have never heard him utter the word 'sex', and since he has four children, i'm thinking that he's not exactly pushing sanyas. otherwise, the concept of God as Infinite Consciousness to be found through meditation presented in many books of this type is exactly the same as what Prem is presenting. i've experienced that these books have illumined Knowledge far beyond the very introductory nature that Prem is now revealing in his public addresses at this time. they have given me much inspiration and hope to push on despite some challenging circumstances in life. they have been a huge boost to me over the years. i really believe that i have been guided to all this material and at some point, Prem will reveal his hidden acknowledgement. even now, he makes reference to many sources, Kabir, etc. but, as they are so remote to most of us here in the US anyway, most Premies don't seem to take it too seriously that the phenomenon of 'the Masters and Knowledge' is extremely old and well-storied in India. if it wasn't for Ram Dass, and his contacts, which included Muktananda, i might not have been able to understand Prem's message.
i'm inclined to think that maybe you misunderstood Prem's first message to you about 'your path'. very often, i have observed, his messages have extremely subtle nuances and easily overlooked direction. in any case, you have now embarked in this direction. but i would be interested in hearing more about your experience and journey. for quite some time now, i have been wanting to attend a Saturday night SYDHA meeting at the 'ashram' here in Oakland, which has not been convenient for me. have you had personal contact with Chidvilasanada? i love the chanting they have recorded.

Posted by: sanfranciscojim1 [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 5, 2010 12:34 PM

I finally had the time to read all of the 7 postings about Maharaji in Woodstock and I cannot get the tears out of my eyes. Thanks to all who shared their experiences (so intimate). It did not blow my mind; it blew my heart to smithereens.

Jim Kuth

Posted by: Jim Kuth [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 5, 2010 04:33 PM

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