Your Second Chance to Enter the First Annual Multiple Uses of a Ping Pong Ball Contest
TA DA! It's time to win free stuff!
All you need to do is read the following starter list and submit your own ideas. Idea Champions will award prizes in the following categories: 1) Most creative; 2) Funniest; 3) Biggest positive impact on the world; 4) Most off-the-wall; 5) The one we wish we'd thought of; 6) Least likely to become a major motion picture; 7) Best way to save the U.S. economy; 8) Best party game; 9) Best use in a category we haven't yet thought of.
DEADLINE? October 31
1. Table Tennis
2. Beer Pong
3. Lottery selection
4. Cat toy
5. Child's room mobile
6. Door stop (crushed and stuck under door)
7. Model of the universe (with balls as planets)
8. Way to keep people awake at meetings (toss one)
9. Raft (by tying many balls together)
10. A fishing bob
11. Bathtub toy
12. Clown nose
13. Finger puppets
14. Kermit eyeballs
15. Xmas tree ornament
16. Child's playpen (fill large container with balls)
17. Jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelet)
18. Comfy chair (fill seat cushions with balls)
19. Acoustical tool (affix balls to walls to deflect sound)
20. Abacus
21. Juggling balls
22. Mouth juggling (blowing balls in the air)
23. Sex toy
24. Child's game (run a race while holding one on a spoon)
25. Surgical tool (use in operations to keep organs in place)
26. Life jacket (fill container with balls and cling to it)
27. Catch people jumping from burning buildings (fill container with balls and have them jump into it.)
28. Anti-snake weapon (snakes will mistake balls for eggs and eat them which will eventually cause death)
29. Marketing tool (guess the number of ping pong balls in our new Honda Accord and win a free car)
30. Testing a long pipe or hose for obstructions
31. Air gun bullets
32. Create controlled avalanches with the balls and study the filmed results)
33. Xmas tree light enhancers (insert each Xmas tree light into a ping pong ball)
34. Votive candle holders (when cut in half)
35. Cut in half and use as tiny drinking cups
36. Hat for a puppet or hamster (when cut in half)
37. Packing material
38. Level tester
39. Barometric pressure gauge (based on how high a ball bounces)
40. Aid to develop hand muscular flexibility
41. Mouth gag
42. Trumpet mute
43. Control Google Map interface using "Atlas Gloves" software and lighted ping pong balls a la the film Minority Report
44. Create a painting by using colored ping pong balls as pixels
45. Raise a ship or other submerged items
46. Fill with napalm and use via aerial drop to create a controlled burnout in order to control a fire
47. LED diffuser
48. Model of a strand of DNA
49. Musical instrument (digitally record the sounds of ping pong balls until you have enough different tones, then use these tones to play music via a ping pong ball sound keyboard
50. Test strength and direction of wind by tossing ball in air
What kind of prizes will you win? One of the following:
Prize... prize... prize... prize... prize... prize
Special thanks to the very creative Val Vadeboncouer for the starter list of 50 uses.
1. A replacement of a soccer ball in the Football World Cup finals.
2.Stress object.
Are you angry? Crash a ping pong ball with your foot.
3. A mechanical puzzle (kind of Rubik's Cube). Balls with different
colors or with numbers are tied together with a string.
4. A "sand glass" called the Week. There will be seven balls in the upper part and
you have to squeeze a ball every morning into the lower part.
5. A replacement of a glass eye
Posted by: Pavel at October 7, 2008 07:00 AM
the bouncing ball that gets the whole world singing. The ping pong ball will continuously bounce across our globe and wherever it lands, people will begin singing and then send the ping pong ball on to the next person.
Posted by: Lynn Kindler at October 11, 2008 05:51 PM
Ball can be used to create mini snowmen!
Posted by: Cheryl at October 13, 2008 12:02 AM
cut in half and use as portion control measurement tools for dieting
Posted by: EPY at October 14, 2008 07:08 PM
I was surprised to not see a ping pong ball as a noise maker, those things can be loud if you keep popping the little bumps in them
Posted by: pmrunner4uwf at October 20, 2008 05:03 PM
Pass them out to wedding guests to throw instead of rice. They can write wishes on them, too.
Use to create a car antenna decoration.
Posted by: gayle at October 24, 2008 02:54 PM
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