THE JOY OF WRITING: Breakthrough Coaching for Aspiring Writers
If you are thinking of writing a book or need support to help you complete the book you are already writing, my services may be of interest to you.
As an award-winning author (7 books), poet, editor, blogger, writing coach, and social media maven, I know what it takes for aspiring writers to navigate the often turbulent waters of the creative process.
Only 3 out of 100 people who begin to write a book ever complete it. Ouch!
Starting a book is easy. Completing it is a whole other story. All kinds of "things" tend to head their ugly rear along the way, making it challenging for even the most experienced of writers to turn their good intentions into reality:
-- Doubt
-- Perfectionism
-- Procrastination
-- Writer's block
-- Lack of discipline
-- Negative beliefs
-- Perceived lack of time
-- Fear of failure
-- Unsupportive significant others
-- Self-sabotage
-- Absence of meaningful feedback
-- Funky mindset
-- Distractability
-- Confusion about publishing options
If any of the above have their way with you, I can be of service.
I am very experienced at bringing out brilliance in others -- helping people turn theory into practice. I've done this with thousands of aspiring innovators and more than 100 organizations over the past 35 years.
Curious? Intrigued? Interested? If so, feel free to text, call or email me to schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call to see if your needs and my services are a good fit for you.
"Mitch knows what will work and what won't when it comes to dealing with writer's block, procrastination, or any of the myriad ways writers-to-be self-sabotage their own success. He'll get you off your ifs, ands, and butt and into doing the actual work of writing. If you truly want to finish writing your book, hire Mitch as your coach. You will end up with your book." - Val Vadeboncoeur
"Mitch's coaching services were indispensable in helping me approach and organize my new book. Mitch is intelligent, discerning, compassionate and accountable. He shows up and helps his writing clients show up, too. It was both pleasurable and useful to work with him. I feel much more confident going forward." - Ellen Goldberg
"Mitch Ditkoff has been of great value to me in my writing projects. He easily understands what I want to say and, equally important, he wants to understand me. He prefers to coach and not correct. He allows me to go off on tangents as much as I want, but then brings it all back to simple, clear, logical expressions. I enjoy his company and do not feel pressured to produce more than I can at anyone time. I find his writing, coaching and support enjoyable and helpful." -- Dr. John Horton, author of Good to Go
"For many years friends have been encouraging me to put down in writing some of my life experiences. On top of this, I've carried around a desire to leave behind, for my children, an account of the adventurous life I lived prior to their coming into this world. All this time I admired Mitch's prolific, witty and insightful writing. Knowing there was a writer hidden deep within my depths, I couldn't think of anyone else to help coax him to the surface. With Mitch's guidance and encouragement I was able to map out a strategy and begin putting my thoughts and memories down in the form of a blog. The positive feedback I've since received has boosted my ability to articulate myself in a compelling manner." - Ron Brent
My books:
Storytelling for the Revolution
Unspoken Word
Storytelling at Work
Full Moon at Sunrise
Awake at the Wheel
My websites:
Four of my blogs:
Storytelling at Work
Unspoken Word
Heart of the Matter
Mitch Ditkoff
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