The Heart of the Matter
January 16, 2012
The Unchain Letter


Unless you've been in a coma for the past 20 years, chances are good you've received more than your share of "chain letters" -- those quirky communications that start off singing the praises of something or other, but end up warning you that if you don't forward the letter to ten people in the next 24 hours your nose will fall off.

This is not one of those letters.

It is not a chain letter. It's an unchain letter -- a communication about something with the power to free you from whatever is holding you down... or back... or upside down.

This letter is an experiment, my curious way of finding out whether my intention to let people know about Prem Rawat's upcoming events in Miami Beach and Long Beach, CA is strong enough to find its way to one million people by next Saturday.

M Miami and LongBeach 3.0.jpg

I don't know if it's possible.

But what I DO know is that if YOU and the other 10 people I forwarded it to are willing to forward it to another 10 who, in turn, forward it to another 10 (with no one ever fearing their nose will fall off), good things will happen.

Bottom line, I want to let everyone know that Prem Rawat (aka Maharaji) will be speaking at public events on 1/22 and 1/29.

What's he going to talk about? What really matters.

Here's what some of my friends who saw Maharaji in Woodstock for the first time had to say about their experience of seeing him.

Deborah Cohen
Barbara Schacker
Evelyne Pouget
Richard and Mary Ann Erickson
Ron Brent
Ilfra Halley
Mary Jane Fahey

OK? Want to play? All you need to do is forward this link to 10 people.

Hey, in these days of meltdown, heartbreak, and war, we all need something with the power to inspire, uplift, and liberate.

Here's your shot.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 16, 2012 01:37 AM

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Welcome to Mitch Ditkoff's blog about what's really important in this life: Peace, gratitude, love, joy, clarity, and the effort required to wake up and smell the roses. Enjoy!

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